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Year Six

Mrs Connolly is the teacher in our Year Six class. Mrs Jessop teaches on Thursdays. Our PE day is Monday.

Class Saint

St Josephine Bakhita. The Patron Saint of Sudan. Feast day is 8th February. 

Josephine had a happy and prosperous start to life but was kidnapped as a child by slave traders. After 12 years of being bought and sold, she ended up in Italy where she was placed in the custody of the Canossian Sisters of Venice. Whilst there she learnt about God - Josephine said she had always known about God but did not know who He was. Josephine felt called to follow Christ. When the slave owner returned, Josephine refused to leave and the case went to court. It was found that slavery had been outlawed in Sudan before Josephine was born and so she was declared free. She chose to remain with the Sisters often travelling and telling her story to others. 

St Josephine Bakhita, pray for us.

Summer Term Curriculum Overview


Shape: Measure and calculate angles. Angles in triangles, quadrilaterals and polygons. Nets of 3-D shapes. 

Position and Direction: Co-ordinates, translations and reflections. 



Witnesses: The Holy Spirit enables people to become witnesses

Healing: Sacrament of the Sick

Common Good: Work of the worldwide Christian family



Children will be looking at shape, form and line in relation to sculpture and the human form. We will be looking at sculptors such as Alberto Giacometti as inspiration to create our own sculpture out of wire. 


Living things and their habitats - classification. Animals including humans - the human circulatory system, impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the body and the transportation of nutrients and water around the body. 

Design and Technology

Structures: Frame structures


Cricket: deep and close catch, underarm and overarm throw, overarm bowl, long and short barrier, batting

Athletics: pace, sprint, jump for distance, push throw, fling throw



Rhythm: layer, read, compose and perform syncopated rhythms


Living in the Wider World: the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, which will help them to fulfil their purpose of making a difference in the world around them. Teaching includes the common good, the human person, social relationships and stewardship. This links to a deeper exploration of the world of work: getting and changing jobs, aspiration and goal setting, gender stereotypes, unemployment and more. This module concludes with teaching about money, in which children are invited to consider what influences our money choices, including God’s call to live generously. Additionally, children will consider why some people have more than others, developing an awareness of fairness and justice.