Extra Curricular Activities
We have a range of activities after school and at lunchtimes that are on offer to children at Sacred Heart. All the activities we offer support children to extend their learning, give them opportunities to try a range of activities and encourage them to thrive in a fun and motivating environment.
Extracurricular activities change on a half termly basis and children are given the opportunity to sign up to the clubs that they would like to be part of. Sign up takes place on ParentPay. Please contact the office for more details.
After-School Activities - Spring 1
Day | Activity | Time |
Monday | YR - Y3 Football | 3.20 - 4.15 pm |
Wednesday | Y3-Y6 Cross Country | 3.20 - 4.30 pm |
Thursday | YR – Y6 Multi skills | 3.20 - 4.15pm |
Thursday | Y2 - Y6 Mandarin | 3.20- 4.30pm |
Friday | Y3 – Y6 Badminton | 3.20 - 4.30pm |
Friday | Y3 - Y6 STEM | 3.20- 4.30pm |
Lunchtime Activities - Spring 1
Monday | Y5-Y6 Football |
Wednesday | Y3-Y4 Football |
Friday | Y3-Y6 Handball |